Little Shop of Stories logo

Presents the

The Little Shop of Stories Children’s Book Festival logo

In conjunction with:

Decatur Arts Festival, May 4 + 5, 2024


Little Shop of Stories is proud to host The Little Shop of Stories Children’s Book Festival in conjunction with the Decatur Arts Festival. This event takes place at the Decatur Recreation Center, the Decatur Library Branch of the DeKalb County Public Library, and the First Baptist Church Decatur. This is a literary celebration bringing book lovers of all ages together with events planned for young families, preteens, and young adults. Participating authors and illustrators visit Atlanta and Decatur area elementary and middle schools, including Title 1 schools.

With the shared value of supporting children and teens as they grow into young adulthood, we invite you to join us as a partner of The Little Shop of Stories Children’s Book Festival. We’d be eager to share your participation in the upcoming announcements. Current partners include the Decatur Arts Alliance, Decatur Development Authority, Decatur Tourism Bureau, and Lenz Marketing.

How to Become a Partner

Interested parties can reach out to [email protected].

Partner Levels

Partnership opportunities are now available! The Little Shop of Stories Children’s Book Festival has four levels of contribution: Lifelong Reader, Independent Reader, Emerging Reader, and Read to Me. To learn more about these partnership opportunities, read below!

Lifelong Reader

Most prominent logo placement on all advertisements and partner recognition materials including posters, banners, websites, etc.

Inclusion in press releases for media pitches

Mention from stage about company or product and other on-site promotional opportunities

Dedicated social media post dedicated to partner through festival platforms

Stage naming rights

Independent Reader

Logo placement on all advertisements and partner recognition materials, including posters, banners, website, etc.

Inclusion in press releases for media pitches

Onsite promotional opportunities

Inclusion in social media post dedicated to partners through festival platforms

Emerging Reader

Logo placement on all advertisements and partner recognition materials, including posters, banners, website, etc.

Inclusion in press releases for media pitches dedicated to partners through festival platforms

Onsite promotional opportunities

Read to Me

Logo placement on all advertisements and partner recognition materials, including posters, banners, website, etc.